
Feb 1, 2012

Public Space vs. Public Urination

via Luzinterruptus

Hapesira Publike vs. Urinimi Publik

Instalimet urbane te artisteve spanjolle Luzinterruptus, hedhin drite (literalisht) mbi [keq]perdorimin e hapesirave publike dhe ndikimin qe ka ne rruget dhe sheshet e qyteteve te medha si Madridi. Sipas Luzinterruptus, puna e tyre ndryshon nga te tjeret sepse eshte spontane dhe klandestine, pa sponsor dhe me materiale te ricikluara ose te gjetura ne rruge. Cdo gje qe ata krijojne dhe instalojne eshte per publikun, per tu sjellur me te dhe per te reaguar ndaj tij sipas deshires.

Nje nga keto instalime synon te terheqe vemenden tek problemi qe shume hapesira publike kane: urinimin. Zgjidhja e tyre? Tualet Publik Luminoz -TPL (sigurisht vetem per perdorim ne rast urgjent)

Tetedhjete mbajtes urine (per meshkuj) te mbushur me uje te verdhe dhe drita LED u vune ne zonat me ‘problematike’ te rrugeve me te frekuentuara si: muret, shtyllat, pemet, kazanet e plehrave, etj. 
Keto spote, te gjendura nepermjet nuhatjes duke ndjekur gjurmet e eres se rende, u ndricuan nga vendosja e TPLs. Gje qe u be jo vetem per te nxjerre ne pah territorin publik, por dhe per te gjithe ata qe mund te donin ti perdornin ose per cdo gje tjeter qe mund te donin te benin me to. 

Edhe pse kjo eshte nje menyre e perkohshme dhe ilegale per t’iu afruar nje problemi te pahijshem, ne realitet nderhyrja eshte shume krijuese dhe argetuese. Te gjithe e kuptojne mesazhin qe percjell.

Mendoj se eshte nje ide e shkelqyer dhe jam e sigurt se eshte e nevojshme qe ne ketu ne Tirane ta perdorim si shembull; si dhe cfare mund te arrije kjo menyre (te menduarit kreativisht dhe nje zbatim efikas/ekonomik) per te zgjidhur problemet e keqtrajtimit te hapesirave publike.

via Luzinterruptus

Public Space vs. Public Urination

The urban light installations of the Spanish artists Luzinterruptus, shed light (literally) on how public space is [mis]used and their impact on the streets and squares of big cities like Madrid. According to Luzinterruptus, their work is different because it is spontaneous and clandestine, without sponsors and with recycled materials or found on the streets. Everything they make and install is for the public to do and react to as it pleases.

One of these installations aims to attract attention to the problem that many public spaces are facing: urination. Their solution? Luminous Public Toilets (for emergency use only, of course)

Eighty (male) urine containers filled with yellow water and LED lights were attached to ‘problem’ areas in crowded streets like: walls, posts, trees, garbage cans, etc. Following the smell trail they located these spots and put the urine containers for anyone who had to use them or for whatever they wanted to do with them.  Even though it is an ephemeral and illegal way of approaching a dirty problem, in reality the intervention is very creative and fun. It gets the message across.

I think it’s a great idea and I am sure it is necessary for us here in Tirana to use it as an example, of how and what creative thinking and an efficient/economic application can do to solve the problems of [mis]use and [ab]use of public space.

via Luzinterruptus
*Per me shume foto dhe info shkoni tek Luzinterruptus.
*For more photos and info go to Luzinterruptus.

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