
Feb 6, 2012

Public Trash Bins as Public Game Stations

via freshome
PERfACTs eshte gjithmone ne kerkim te menyrave krijuese, efikase dhe zbavitese per tu marre me problemet urbane qe perballim cdo dite ne qytetet dhe hapesirat tona publike. Sjellja e pahijshme e qytetareve [keqperdorimi, abuzimi] luan nje rol te madh ne to. Prandaj dhe ne perpiqemi te gjejme zgjidhje qe influencojne pozitivisht kete qendrim urban. Kemi folur per projekte te suksesshme dhe me pare, ketu, ketu, ketu dhe ketu, por ja ku eshte dhe nje tjeter, shume me i thjeshte.
Per te stimuluar banoret te behen me te vetedijshem dhe te pergjegjshem per hedhjen e mbeturinave, qyteti zvicerian i Luzernit ka paraqitur nje iniciative argetuese dhe interaktive te quajtur “Luzerni Shkelqen.” Gjashtembedhjete kosha plehrash jane konvertuar ne stacione publike loje. Nje menyre teper inovative, e thjeshte dhe e pakushtueshme per te nxitur njerezit te bejne gjene e duhur, projekti ka pasur pjesemarrje dhe rezultate te jashtezakonshme. Jo vetem qe ka patur nje reduktim te plehrave ne rruge, por qyteti ka shpenzuar me pak nga leket e takspaguesve per pastrim.

Zgjidhjet kaq te thjeshta mund te kene nje ndikim te madh ne ndryshimin e sjelljes publike, edhe pse te perkohshme apo te shpejta, ato mund te shnderrojne dinamiken urbane. Eshte kjo qasje katalizuese qe ne duhet te ndjekim, duke e aplikuar fare kollaj ne Tirane; sikur dhe vetem per te pare se cfare do ndodhi. Te vetmet gjera qe na duhen eshte boja dhe nje liste me lojra. Apo Jo?
via freshome
PERfACTs is always looking for creative, efficient and fun ways that deal with urban problems we face every day in our cities and public spaces. Citizen misconduct [misuse, abuse] plays a big part in that. That’s why we try to find solutions that positively influence this urban behavior. We have talked about a few successful projects before, here, here, here and here, but here’s another, a very simple one.
To incentivize its residents to become aware and more responsible when it comes to littering, the Swiss city of Lucerne put forth a fun and interactive initiative called “Lucerne Shines.” Sixteen trash bins were converted to public game stations. A very innovative, simple and cheap way of getting people to do the right thing, it has gotten great participation and results. Not only there was a reduction of trash on the streets, but the city spent less taxpayers’ money on cleanup. 

Solutions this simple can have a big impact in changing public behavior, even though temporary or quick, they can alter urban dynamics. It is this catalyzing approach that we should take, easily applying it in Tirana; just to see what happens. All we need is some paint and a list of games. No?
via freshome

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