Vaso Pasha /27
[near Faculty of Law]
Tirana, Albania
I had a chat with the gallery founders, all artists and here is what they had to say about this new, exciting and very brave endeavor.
Wow!!! Where??? How??? Who??? Why??? Since when??? How did they get the money??? Will they even survive??? Hey this is great!!!! ...
These are the reactions three young Albanian artists are facing today, who in addition to a personal battle with their own art, are challenging themselves and their reality by creating an alternative new space named 'MIZA Gallery' (FLY Galery).
Olson Lamaj, Remijon Pronja and Endri Dani emerge in the city of Tirana and its artistic and cultural life with a new proposal, a new mentality, a new invitation and style of consuming art.
To touch on the above questions, the gallery is located on "Vaso Pasha" street, building 27 (near the Faculty of Law) with a small space divided into two areas to create an intimate interaction between the artwork and public audience. It is important that this new space takes its identity by introducing and promoting young artists that work in Albania and abroad.
Despite having no financial support, the three young artists seem optimistic about their initiative because they have found encouragement and support from the art community and enthusiasts; friends of the gallery that will work together to educate its growth and development. In addition to exhibits, this space will be used for workshops, screening documentary programs and art news from the international scene.
" To break loose from the brutal reality and frustrations it brings, to find people with common interests and to feed ourselves with a resourceful sensitivity, without compromise..."
photo credit MIZA Galeri |
Waw!!! Ku??? Si??? Kush??? Pse??? Kur keshtu??? Kushedi nga i nxorren lekët??? Do mbijetojne valle??? Ej sa mire per zotin!!!! ...
Me keto reagime po perballen sot tre artiste te rinj, qe pervec betejes personale me artin e tyre po sfidojne veten dhe realitetin me krijimin e nje hapsire te re alternative duke e qujtur 'MIZA Galeri'.
Olson Lamaj, Remijon Pronja dhe Endri Dani i vijne qytetit te Tiranes dhe jetes artistiko - kulturore te saj me nje propozim te ri, me nje mentalitet te ri, me nje ftese te re dhe stil i te konsomuarit art.
Per te prekur pak reagimet e mesiperme, galeria ndodhet ne rrugen “Vaso Pasha” pallati 27 (afer fakultetit te Drejtesise) me nje hapsire te vogel te ndare ne dy ambjente per te krijuar nje bashkeveprim intim mes veprave dhe publikut. Me rendesi eshte qe kjo hapsire e re te marri identitet qe ne hapat e pare te saj, duke ju propozuar dhe promovuar artiste te rinj shqiptare qe aktivitetin e tyre artistik e zhvillojne brenda edhe jashte vendit.
Edhe pse pa asnje perkrahje financiare tre artistet e rinj duken optimist per nismen e tyre sepse kane gjetur perkrahje dhe mbeshtetje te komunitetit artistik dhe artedashesve, te jene miq te kesaj galerie dhe te gjithe bashke te edukojne rritjen dhe zhvillimin e saj. Jo vetem expozita, por edhe workshop-e, programe te strukturuara me dokumentare dhe news nga arti global do zhvillohen aty...
" Te shkeputemi nga realiteti i eger dhe pakenaqesite qe te servir ai, te gjejme aty njerez me interesa te perbashketa dhe te ushqejme veten me ndjesi burimore, pa kompromise ..."
Aktulisht stafi i galerise po punon per celjen e programit te eventeve.
Start-on me artistin Shkodran Sidi Kanani i cili ndjeshmerisht na sjell nje realitet POST INDUSTRIAL.
Expozita do te hapet me date 26 nentor dhe do te qendroj e hapur deri me date 9 dhjetor.
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