Me anë të një ndërhyrje transformuese, M.A.T kërkon të ballafaqojë një ser konceptesh, si nga ana estetike por edhe nga ana funksionale.
Remix-imi i "House of Arts" përveç nderhyrjes fizike parashikon dhe një program me prezantime të disa prej iniciativave progresive më domethënëse të momentit, dokumentarë, projeksione - mapping artistë Audio/Dj's.
The artistic goal of M.A.T (Media Art Tirana), through a REMIX platform, is to intervene where the aesthetic opinion is based on the volume of the "expensive" with a conceptual currency.
Through a transformative intervention, M.A.T seeks to confront a range of concepts, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.
The remix of "House of Arts" in addition to physical intervention, provides a program with presentations of some of the most significant progressive initiatives of the moment, documentaries, projection-mapping by audio/DJ artists.
via REMIX by MAT |
REMIX by MAT i prezantohet publikut me block party-n më të madh të fund
REMIX by MAT introduces itself to the world with the biggest block party this end of the
Here's behind the scenes REMIX team getting ready:
Tags: Everything is a REMIX, We Are Legion, Urbanized, MIZA, Tirana Art Lab, Open Labs, Ecovolis, Endrra n'Beze, and a plethora of excellent music of course.
All of you in Tirana this Holiday Season, this is a must-see show!!
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