Të gjithë artistët shqiptar të cilët ka perfunduar studimet e larta deri në moshën 35-vjeç, janë të ftuar të aplikojnë.
Cmimi “ARDHJE” organizohet për të shtatin vit nga T.I.C.A. (Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art), në bashkëpunim me FSC-Foundation for Civil Society në New York, dhe mbështetet bujarisht nga FAVA - Foundation for Albanian Visual Arts across borders, në Tiranë.
Lista e shkurtër e artistëve të përzgjedhur do të prezantoje projektet e tyre në ekspoziten e çmimit "ARDHJE 2013", që do të hapet në muajin Qershor 2013.
Si çdo vit fituesit përzgjidhen nga një juri ndërkombëtare e përbërë nga kuratorë, kritikë dhe artistë të njohur.
Artisti fitues i çmimit "Ardhje" përfiton një rezidencë artistike gjashtëjavore në New York, ndërkohë që fituesit e dy çmimeve të dyta, përfshihen në programin e rezidencës dy-mujore të T.I.C.A në Tiranë.
Ju mund të paraqitni portofolio tuaj duke filluar nga data 15 Prill 2013, nga e hena në të enjte, prej orës 10.oo deri në orën 13.oo dhe nga ora17.oo- 19.oo në adresën:
Rruga: George.W.Bush/ 1000
Dy Kullat ,(përballë parlamentit)
Kati i dytë.
Për të caktuar takimin tuaj, ju lutemi kontaktoni :
Alketa Kurrizo
+355 (0)682128881
Sonja Lau
+355 (0)696130410
Në pamundësi për tu paraqitur personalisht, ju mund të dërgoni materialet e kërkuara për aplikim në e-mail adresat: alketa.kurrizo@gmail.com, lau.sonja@gmail.com
Shënim: Ju lutem sigurohuni që imazhet të cilat po dërgoni për aplikim të jenë të emërtuara saktësisht. Emërtoni folder-in me emrin tuaj të plotë dhe file-s si më poshtë vijon:
shembull: ana_vale_ mengjezi_pikture_ 2010
Afati i fundit i dorëzimit të punëve është data: 20 MAJ 2013
via Albania Art News
The phase of accepting applications for the "Ardhje 2013" award has began.
It is open to all Albanian artists 35 years of age or younger that have already completed their studies.
This is the seventh edition of “ARDHJE” organized by T.I.C.A. (Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art) in collaboration with FSC-Foundation for Civil Society in New York and generous support byFAVA - Foundation for Albanian Visual Arts across borders in Tirana.
The finalists are selected by an international jury of well-known curators, critics and artists; and will showcase their work as part of the exhibition "ARDHJE 2013" in June 2013.
The award winner will receive a six-week artist residency in New York, while the two second-prize winners will obtain a two-month residency program at T.I.C.A in Tirana.
TICA is the first centre for contemporary art in Tirana. It offers a much needed permanent platform for Albanian and international contemporary art in Albania. During the last years, the Albanian scene has thrived with various events of different size or quality. The Tirana Biennale has been Albania's most ambitious art event, however a biennale only takes place every second year and this leads to a serious discontinuity in the art scene that also suffers from a highly limited institutional respective private support. TICA has thus been an important complement to support a vital art scene on a more continuous basis through a diverse program supported by a light and flexible organizative structure that has allowed for exhibitions, film screenings and performance events as well as to create a forum for discussions and debates about art, politics and power.Another important function of TICA is it's international A.I.R. program. The residency program is important as the first structure to offer support and encouragement to promising local artists and for enabling cross-cultural exchange in the Balkan region and beyond, as a response to the lost communication that has led to a nationalistic misuse of culture. Other important functions of TICA are the supporting of artistic production, the establishment of an archive of contemporary art in Albania and a reference library on international contemporary art. A great awareness and a strong engagement in gender-related questions and concerns will also permeate not only the activity of TICA but also its organization as a whole. TICA will be an attempt to reintroduce culture as one of the most effective ways in pushing for critical thinking in relation to our contemporary condition and will bring together all the energies, knowledge and contacts of all its founding members, to create an independent platform for socio-politically engaged contemporary art.
Partners:TICA is established in partnership with:THE INSTITUTE OF TIRANA BIENNALE,1.60 INSURGENTSPACE (www.1-60insurgentspace.org)
Leadership:TICA is initiated collectively by:TINA FINNAS (artist and project leader)JOA LJUNGBERG (curator and project leader)MONICA MELIN (artist and project leader)EDI MUKA (curator and project leader)GEZIM QENDRO (curator and project leader)STEFANO ROMANO (artist, curator and project leader)
Leading Team:
TICA is currently jointly run by:TINA FINNAS (artist and producer)JOA LJUNGBERG (curator and producer)EDI MUKA (curator and producer)
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