Këtë vit, Takimet Muzikore të dy Botëve do të zhvillohet gjatë Ditëve të Trashëgimisë Kulturore Evropiane. Tashmë në edicionin e shtatë, festivali i organizuar nga ARGJIRO, do të mbahet në Berat në 5 - 6 Tetor, duke u ndjekur nga një grand finale në Tiranë më datë 7 Tetor.
This year's Musical Encounters of the Two Worlds falls during The European Cultural Heritage Days in Albania. Already in its seventh edition and organized by ARGJIRO, the festival will be in Berat on October 5 & 6, followed by a grand finale in Tirana on October 7th.
This year's Musical Encounters of the Two Worlds falls during The European Cultural Heritage Days in Albania. Already in its seventh edition and organized by ARGJIRO, the festival will be in Berat on October 5 & 6, followed by a grand finale in Tirana on October 7th.
Classical meets Traditional Albanian Music, together on one stage.
If you happen to be in Albania this weekend, make sure to stop by!
If you happen to be in Albania this weekend, make sure to stop by!
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