
Jul 13, 2011

Lost in Translation | Question of the Day

-Cilat jane marredheniet aktuale midis burokracise bashkiake dhe hapesirave publike ne qytetin tuaj? Pse eshte i rendesishem komunikimi?

-What is the current relationship between municipal bureaucracy and public space in your city? Why is communication important?

goal/fence photos via The Daily Mail


1 comment:

irsiB said...

Ne shume qytete shqiptare un do te thoja se eshte nje Skizofreni e Pashmangshme. Eshte mbushur plot me konfuzion, spekulime, gabime dhe kembengulje te dhunshme, te cilat jane dhe simptomat me dalluese te dinamikes aktuale urbane.
In most Albanian cities I would say it is Inevitably Schizophrenic. It is full of confusion, speculation, error, and violent persistence, which seeem to be the most recongnized signs of present urban dynamics.