
Jul 17, 2013

Featured Project | Audible Color

Audible Color is an audio-visual instrument. Sound is generated based on color detected by a camera. Red, green and blue correspond with certain music notes. When the colors are mixed, the resulting secondary colors produce different notes. The size of the colors influences the volume and frequency of the notes played. Color detection and sound generation were created and are controlled using Processing code. 

See some experiments here

Designed by Hideaki Matsui and Momo Miyazaki.
Generative Design Workshop 2012 with Joshua Noble and David Gauthier

Ngjyrat që gjenerojnë tinguj:

Audible Color është një instrument audio-vizual
E kuqja, jeshilja dhe bluja i korrespondojnë notave të caktuara muzikore. 
Përzierjatyre nxjerr nota të reja
Madhësia e ngjyrave ndikon në volumin dhe frekuencën e notave.


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