
May 24, 2011

Wineries | Kantinat e Veres

As a wine lover and architect, I am always looking for new ideas and projects of wineries. It is one of the few building types usually constructed in the middle of farmland, which means that its design (in order to be successful) ought to add to the existing sustainability and ecology, not take away from it. The subtle nuances of wind, sun, water, light, shade, topography, smell, changing colors, texture, and even gravity, do not only inspire the work (be that wine or building) but they are present in it, in our experience of it. I find great pleasure when the two inspire and inform each other not only in a technical way that (obviously) works, but in a playful interplay of senses and materials that makes us aware of the surrounding environment, in a raw but powerful way. It speaks of the monumentalization of wine through architecture. Such a great example to use and learn from the sustainability of the site or region where it stands: the history and culture of its land, the process of winemaking, daily and seasonal patterns, etc. It all makes for a great dialog and co-existence of the natural and the man-made. When it is done right, it can enhance both.
This being said, there are only a few winery projects that achieve the above level of complexity, understanding, and invention in their design. They are not purely drived by aesthetics. They stand conscious to the surroundings.
Si arkitekte dhe entuziaste verash, jam gjithmone ne kerkim  per ide dhe projekte te reja kantinash vere, sepse eshte nje nga te paktat kategori ndertesash qe ngrihen ne zona rurale. Kjo do te thote se kompozimi i tyre (per te qene i suksesshem), duhet te perforcoj qendrueshmerine dhe ekologjine ekzistuese te vendit, e jo ta prishi ate. Nuancat e lehta te eres, dielli, uji, drita, hija, terreni, aromat, ndryshimet e ngjyrave, perberja, madje dhe graviteti, jo vetem qe frymezojne punen (qofte ajo vera apo objekti i ndertimit), por jane te pranishme ne te. Une gjej nje kenaqesi te madhe kur te dyja keto fillojne te frymezojne dhe informojne njera-tjetren, jo vetem nga ana teknike qe (padyshim) duhet te funksionoje, por ne nje shkembim lozonjar te shqisave me materialet perreth, duke na bere me te ndjeshem ndaj mjedisit, ne nje menyre te thjeshte, por te fuqishme. Ky eshte tamam nje shembull qe te perdorim qendrueshmerine e tokes ku qendron kantina, si dhe per te mesuar nga ajo, historine dhe kulturen e vendit, procesin e berjes se veres, kushtet e perditshme dhe ato sezonale, e shume te tjera. Te gjitha keto krijojne nje dialog  te shkelqyer qe fuqizon bashkejetesen e natures me njeriun. Kur behet sic duhet, i permireson qe te dyja palet aq shume sa dhe eksperienca jone me to mbetet domethenese. Kjo tregon monumentalizmin e veres/vreshtave/mjedisit nepermjet arkitektures.
Duke thene kete, ka vetem disa punishte vere qe arrijne kompleksitetin, arsyetimin, si dhe krijimtarine e mesiperme. Ato nuk jane ndertuar vetem per pamjen estetike, por i pershtaten dhe komunikojne me ambientin rrethues.
1. My all time favorite is Dominus Winery by Herzog & DeMeuron
    E preferuara ime eshte Kantina Dominus nga Herzog & DeMeuron.

For more info and photos go here.
Per me shume info dhe fotos shko ketu.
2. Field Architecture proposal for the Bodega Bauer Winery, in Mendoza Argentina is another one.
Nje projekt tjeter i propozuar nga Field Architecture eshte Kantina Bodega Bauer, ne Mendoza te Argjentines.

                                Renderings copyright Field Architecture
For more info and stats on this project go here
Per me shume info mbi kete projekt shko ketu.
As you can see, the specificities of location, weather, terrain, and other factors can inspire the design of the building, the vineyards, the process of winemaking, and the wine itself. We experience the architecture from the built product and by smelling, tasting, and drinking the wine it makes. So, while enjoying a few Albanian made wines, the question of their architecture comes to mind. I am very interested in learning more about the wine(+making) culture in Albania. If anyone knows or has any thoughts about current vinyards or future projects in our wine country, please share. [:)
Sic e shikoni dhe vete, pervec karakteristikave te vendit, kohes,terrenit, ka dhe faktore te tjere qe frymezojne dizenjon e objektit, si vreshtat, prodhimi i veres, dhe vete vera. Ne e vleresojme dhe e kuptojme kte arkitekture, jo vetem nga ndertimi i saj por edhe duke nuhatur, provuar dhe pire veren qe prodhohet aty. Tani, duke shijuar nje nga verat e pakta shqiptare qe kam, ceshtja e arkitektures se tyre me vjen ne mendje. Jam shume e interesuar per te ditur me shume per to dhe kulturen e tyre ne Shqiperi. Nese dikush nga ju di ose ka ndonje mendim ne lidhje me vreshtat ose punishtet e veres ne vend  te me thote. [:)

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