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Duke vazhduar biseden mbi transparencen dhe si mund ta materializojme ate, dua te permend kete artikull te shkruar ne nje nga blogjet e Bankes Boterore. Instituti i Studimeve per Zhvillim kohet e fundit ka pare ndikimin dhe efektivitetin e transparences si dhe nismave te llogaridhenies qe synojne te permiresojne qeverisjen ne sektore te ndryshem. Ai ve ne dukje se “ka te dhena ne rritje qe tregojne se transparenca vetem nuk eshte e mjaftueshme dhe rezulton ne nje pergjegjesi me te madhe kur vepron me faktore te tjere.” Ky eshte nje realitet i njohur gjithandej, por me sa duket vendet ne zhvillim (si Shqiperia) e kane akoma te veshtire ta pranojne si koncept. Ndoshta keto shtete jane duke e perdorur ate vetem ne nje kontekst [ate politik] dhe sic po shohim, nuk eshte aspak efektive.
Nese nuk e kemi trajtuar sic duhet deri me sot, atehere pse duhet te vazhdojme ta vleresojme ate? Si mund ta arrijme kte transparence?
Ne tashme i dime arsyet pse nje transparence me e madhe eshte kritike.
1. Ajo mund te ndryshoje menyren se si vepron qeveria sot.
2. Ajo mund te ndryshoje marredheniet midis popullit dhe kesaj qeverie.
3. Ajo mund te angazhoje njerezit ne qeverisje duke i informuar me shume dhe me mire ata.
Arsyeja e trete eshte ajo qe me intereson dhe ku mendoj se duhet te perqendrohemi me shume. Sipas saj transparenca mundeson grupet/blogs (si PERfACTs) qe ndryshe nuk kane se si te marrin pjese, te kontribojne ne qeverisjen e vendit. Sigurisht jo nga ana politike, por duke perdorur ‘social media’/ internetin. Ne kete menyre ne mund te arrijme me shume njerez dhe se bashku te eksplorojme koncepting e transparences nepermjet veprimtarive kulturore, arsimore, artistike dhe mjedisore. Po ta shohim transparencen nepermjet ketyre faktoreve, ekzekutimi i saj do jete me i plote, pergjegjesia ne vend me e larte, si dhe do kemi nje reduktim ne korrupsion.
Shtypi i lire (sidomos ai i pavarur) mund te jete nje kontroll i fuqishem mbi korrupsionin. Ka shume studime qe mbeshtesin kete gje. Media sociale (social media) mund te perdoret jo vetem per te qene me te informuar por dhe per ta shperndare me mire kete informacion. Jo vetem qe i fton njerezit te marrin pjese ne programet e shtetit por edhe ndihmon vete shtetin te ndjeke dhe menaxhoje programet e tij, sidomos ato mbi arsimin, shendetesine ose ndertimin e rrugeve ne zona te thella. Prandaj une mendoj se eshte e rendesishme te shperndajme dhe te bejme njohuri publike informacione te vlefshme qe mund ti duhen njerezve te interesuar. Kjo mundeson rritjen e kapacitetit te popullsise civile si dhe permiresimin e sinergjise ne marrdheniet me shtetin. Pra ne duhet te kujdesemi per transparencen duke bere publike ide, projekte dhe lajme te ndryshme. Transparenca ka te beje me publikimin e informacionit dhe duke i ftuar njerezit ta perdorin ate ne menyra krijuese. Une mendoj se duhet te fillojme ta shohim konceptin e transparences si nje ‘akt’ me efektiv jashte fushes politike dhe drejt asaj publike. Qellimi eshte te perdoret ne menyra krijuese ne kontekste te tjera qe te fillojme te shohim ndryshime te sjelljes ne vend. Duhet qe “konturi i zhvillimit” te luhatet ( ne kohe reale) dhe jo te vazhdoje drejt sic ka bere deri me sot.
Susan Sontag ne “Kunder Interpretimit” thote qe “Transparenca eshte vlera me e larte dhe me cliruese ne artin dhe kritiken e sotme.”
Nuk mund te them qe kjo eshte e vertete (ne realitet) apo jo por me nxit te bej pyetjet:
Shtypi i lire (sidomos ai i pavarur) mund te jete nje kontroll i fuqishem mbi korrupsionin. Ka shume studime qe mbeshtesin kete gje. Media sociale (social media) mund te perdoret jo vetem per te qene me te informuar por dhe per ta shperndare me mire kete informacion. Jo vetem qe i fton njerezit te marrin pjese ne programet e shtetit por edhe ndihmon vete shtetin te ndjeke dhe menaxhoje programet e tij, sidomos ato mbi arsimin, shendetesine ose ndertimin e rrugeve ne zona te thella. Prandaj une mendoj se eshte e rendesishme te shperndajme dhe te bejme njohuri publike informacione te vlefshme qe mund ti duhen njerezve te interesuar. Kjo mundeson rritjen e kapacitetit te popullsise civile si dhe permiresimin e sinergjise ne marrdheniet me shtetin. Pra ne duhet te kujdesemi per transparencen duke bere publike ide, projekte dhe lajme te ndryshme. Transparenca ka te beje me publikimin e informacionit dhe duke i ftuar njerezit ta perdorin ate ne menyra krijuese. Une mendoj se duhet te fillojme ta shohim konceptin e transparences si nje ‘akt’ me efektiv jashte fushes politike dhe drejt asaj publike. Qellimi eshte te perdoret ne menyra krijuese ne kontekste te tjera qe te fillojme te shohim ndryshime te sjelljes ne vend. Duhet qe “konturi i zhvillimit” te luhatet ( ne kohe reale) dhe jo te vazhdoje drejt sic ka bere deri me sot.
Susan Sontag ne “Kunder Interpretimit” thote qe “Transparenca eshte vlera me e larte dhe me cliruese ne artin dhe kritiken e sotme.”
Nuk mund te them qe kjo eshte e vertete (ne realitet) apo jo por me nxit te bej pyetjet:
- Si mund ta gjejme balancin midis transparences dhe interpretimit?
- Cfare qendrimi duhet te mbajme ndaj interpretimit?
- Kur eshte interpretimi “ok” dhe kur kthehet ne arbitrazh?
Cilat jane mendimet tuaja?
Cilat jane mendimet tuaja?
** Vazhdoni te na ndiqni per me shume postime per transparencen dhe “open-source design” ne te ardhmen.
Continuing our conversation on transparency and how to materialize it, I’d like to mention this article from one of the World Bank blogs.
The Institute of Development Studies recently looked at the impact and effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives that aim to improve governance in various sectors. It points out that “growing evidence exists that transparency alone is insufficient, and only leads to greater accountability in interaction with other factors.” This is a well known reality elsewhere, but it seems that developing countries (i.e. Albania) are still struggling with the concept. Maybe these nations are using it in a strictly political context and as the evidence shows, it is not enough to be effective.
Continuing our conversation on transparency and how to materialize it, I’d like to mention this article from one of the World Bank blogs.
The Institute of Development Studies recently looked at the impact and effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives that aim to improve governance in various sectors. It points out that “growing evidence exists that transparency alone is insufficient, and only leads to greater accountability in interaction with other factors.” This is a well known reality elsewhere, but it seems that developing countries (i.e. Albania) are still struggling with the concept. Maybe these nations are using it in a strictly political context and as the evidence shows, it is not enough to be effective.
If we haven’t gotten it right so far, why should we bother to still value it? How do we achieve a greater transparency?
Well, we already know the obvious reasons why a greater transparency is crucial.
1. It can potentially change the way our government operates.
2. It can potentially change the relationship between people and their government.
3. It can engage people in governance by making information accessible and usable.
But the reason that interests me and that I think we need to focus on more is, that transparency enables groups/blogs (such as PERfACTs) that otherwise would not be able to participate, to contribute in governance. Of course, I don’t mean politically, but by using social media. In this way we can reach more people and together explore the concept of transparency through cultural, educational, artistic and environmental acts. Dealing with transparency in this broader sense will increase its performance and the accountability, ultimately lessening corruption.
Free press (especially an independent one) may be a powerful control on corruption. There is ample research that supports this statement. Social media can be used to access more information and to better distribute it. It not only invites people to participate in governmental programs, but it helps the government itself to keep track and manage its own programs; mainly things such as education, health or road building in remote areas. That is why I think it is crucial to share and make valuable information public, so others can make use of it. It will build the capacity of our civil society and increase the synergy in relations with the state. So, we should care about transparency by making ideas, projects, and other news accessible and usable. Transparency is about publishing information, and inviting people to use it in creative ways. I think we need to start looking at this concept as an “act” that can be better performed outside the political context and into the public realm. The goal is to use it creatively in other contexts so we can see a behavioral change. We need the “development curve” to fluctuate (in real time) and not extend the plateau we have reached (and maintained) thus far.
Susan Sontag in “Against Interpretation” says “Transparence is the highest, most liberating value in art –and in criticism –today.”
I can’t say this statement is true or not (in reality) but it makes me ask these questions:
But the reason that interests me and that I think we need to focus on more is, that transparency enables groups/blogs (such as PERfACTs) that otherwise would not be able to participate, to contribute in governance. Of course, I don’t mean politically, but by using social media. In this way we can reach more people and together explore the concept of transparency through cultural, educational, artistic and environmental acts. Dealing with transparency in this broader sense will increase its performance and the accountability, ultimately lessening corruption.
Free press (especially an independent one) may be a powerful control on corruption. There is ample research that supports this statement. Social media can be used to access more information and to better distribute it. It not only invites people to participate in governmental programs, but it helps the government itself to keep track and manage its own programs; mainly things such as education, health or road building in remote areas. That is why I think it is crucial to share and make valuable information public, so others can make use of it. It will build the capacity of our civil society and increase the synergy in relations with the state. So, we should care about transparency by making ideas, projects, and other news accessible and usable. Transparency is about publishing information, and inviting people to use it in creative ways. I think we need to start looking at this concept as an “act” that can be better performed outside the political context and into the public realm. The goal is to use it creatively in other contexts so we can see a behavioral change. We need the “development curve” to fluctuate (in real time) and not extend the plateau we have reached (and maintained) thus far.
Susan Sontag in “Against Interpretation” says “Transparence is the highest, most liberating value in art –and in criticism –today.”
I can’t say this statement is true or not (in reality) but it makes me ask these questions:
- How can we find a balance between transparency and interpretation?
- What attitude should we have towards interpretation?
- When is it ok and when does it turn into arbitration?
What are your thoughts?
** Stay tuned for more on transparency and open-source design in the coming weeks.
What are your thoughts?
** Stay tuned for more on transparency and open-source design in the coming weeks.
1 comment:
Ne New York eshte krijuar iniciativa 'Road Map for the Digital City NYC' per te arritur nje efikasitet me te larte ne marredheniet e njerezve me qytetin duke perdorur menyra dixhitale.
NYC Digital ka si qellim te krijoje nje shoqeri me te shendetshme civile si dhe nje demokraci me te fuqishme nepermjet perdorimit te teknologjise duke angazhuar, sherbyer, dhe lidhur qytetaret e New Yorkut. Programi koordinon iniciativa dixhitale ne te gjithe qytetin qe mbeshtesin nje shkembim efikas informacioni si dhe sherbimet midis publikut dhe qeverise se NYC.
http://www.nyc.gov/html/media/media/PDF/90dayreport.pdf [anglisht]
Ne kete dokument pershkruhet se si New York City mund te shnderrohet ne nje nga Qytetet Dixhitale me te suksesshme ne bote duke u bazuar ne faktore si: shfrytezimi i internetit, qeverisja e hapur, angazhimi i metejshem i qytetareve si dhe zhvillimi i industrise dixhitale.
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