
Jan 29, 2012

Sunday Streets | Pse jo edhe ne Tirane?

Cfare mund t'i ndodh nje lagjeje, kur rruget i transformohen nga korsi makinash ne hapesira per kembesore? What could happen to a neighborhood when streets are transformed from car lanes into pedestrian spaces?

Cdo te Djele (ashtu si dhe per festa) rruge te caktuara kryesore te Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, dhe komuna te tjera Kolumbiane perdoren vetem nga kembesoret: thjeshte si kalimtare ose per aktivitete argetuese dhe sportive. Transporti automobilistik eshte i ndaluar. Ky event quhet Ciclovía dhe i ka fillimet qe ne fund te viteve '70.
Each Sunday (and holiday) certain main streets of Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, and Colombian other municipalities, are used by pedestrians only: as passersby or for entertainment and sports activities. Automotive transportation is blocked off. This event is called Ciclovía and it has taken place since late the late 70s.

Kjo iniciative ka frymezuar shume qytete te tjera ne te gjithe boten. Nje nga keto eshte San Francisco ne Kaliforni.
Programi Sunday Streets (Rruget te Djelen) eshte eksperimenti me i madh i ketij qyteti, ku me shume hapesira publike iu kthehen njerezve. Ne cdo event, disa kilometra rruge mbyllen per trafikun automobilistik dhe hapen per ecje, vrap, bicikleta, patina, dhe aktivitete nga me te ndryshmet. Organizatoret shpresojne se programi do te ndihmoje ne ndertimin e komunitetit lokal, permiresimin e shendetit, si dhe per promovimin e nje transporti te qendrueshem.
This initiative has inspired many other cities throughout the world. One of them is San Francisco, California.
San Francisco's Sunday Streets program is the city's biggest experiment to transfer more of the public realm to people. At each event, several miles of roads are closed to traffic and opened for walking, riding, and a variety of other activities. Organizers hope that the program will help build community, improve health, and promote sustainable transportation.

Rruget te Djelen filloi ne 2008 me tre evente dhe cdo vit ka qene me i madh dhe me i suksesshem se i pari.
Sunday Streets began in 2008 with three events and each year has been bigger and more successful than the previous. [for more info visit]

Watch more videos at NENtv

Sunday Streets, "eksperimenti" pa makina i qytetit te San Francisco pati nje pjesemarrje shume te madhe. Rruget u mbushen plot me njerez.
Si ndikoi kjo tek bizneset aty perreth?
Eshte bllokimi i trafikut automobilistik (edhe pse per disa ore) dicka e mire apo jo per bizneset lokale?
Sunday Streets, San Francisco's car-free "experiment", received a huge turnout. People flooded the streets.
How were local businesses affected?
Is closing the streets to cars (eventhough for a few hours) good or bad for local businesses?

Ne duhet te ndjekim kete shembull. Le ti kerkojme qytetit te Tiranes te provoje nje "eksperiment" te tille.
Le t'i kthejme me shume hapesira publike njerezve dhe jo makinave.
Le te ndihmojme ne ndertimin e komuniteteve, permisimin e shendetit, dhe promovimin e nje transporti te qendrueshem.
[te pakten te Djelave, edhe pse per pak ore]
We need to follow by example. Let's ask the city of Tirana to try a similar "experiment".
Let's return more of the public realm to people and not cars.
Let's help build communities, improve health, and promote sustainable transportation.
[at least on Sundays, just for a few hours]

Dua te di se cfare mendoni ju te gjithe.
Le ta organizojme edhe ne Tirane.
I'd like to know what all of you think.
Let's make it happen in Tirana.

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