A few weeks ago, he was in Portland, OR to check out more about the bike culture there, as part of his book research. Here’s part of an interview he did with J.Maus.
Steven Flaming eshte nje arkitekt dhe filozof i planifikimit urban qe jepet shume pas bicikletave. Aktualisht, ai eshte duke bere kerkime per librin e tij "Cycle Space" ku perqendrohet ne lidhjen midis arkitektures dhe bicikletave, ne te gjithe boten. Cdo qytet ka kulturen e tij te bicikletave qe e dallon nga te tjeret. Por gjithandej, "ciklistet" e perdorin qytetin dhe levizin ne te ndryshe nga "automobilistet." Kjo menyre konceptimi dhe shfrytezimi eshte me e mire dhe me efikase.
Per te gjitha keto ceshtje, si edhe influencat ndaj njera-tjetres nepermjet design, ai shkruan gjeresisht ne blogun e tij.
Para disa javesh, ai ishte ne Portland (Oregon) per te vrojtuar kulturen e bicikletave, qe do te perdore si material per librin e tij. Ja nje pjese e intervistes se tij me J.Maus.
Per te gjitha keto ceshtje, si edhe influencat ndaj njera-tjetres nepermjet design, ai shkruan gjeresisht ne blogun e tij.
Para disa javesh, ai ishte ne Portland (Oregon) per te vrojtuar kulturen e bicikletave, qe do te perdore si material per librin e tij. Ja nje pjese e intervistes se tij me J.Maus.
Steven Fleming
(Photos © J. Maus)
(Photos © J. Maus)
Why do bikes have such appeal to architects?
"I think David [Haines] the photographer here said, "Cars are the new cigarettes."
100 years ago architects were fascinated by cars and how cars would transform cities and they were designing buildings that celebrated cars and looked like cars. Now, architects are quite naturally looking at bicycles. A lot of architects are very interested in bicycles; they're always thinking about how the world could be and should be, so it just so happens that a lot more architects cycle than a lot of other professions."
100 years ago architects were fascinated by cars and how cars would transform cities and they were designing buildings that celebrated cars and looked like cars. Now, architects are quite naturally looking at bicycles. A lot of architects are very interested in bicycles; they're always thinking about how the world could be and should be, so it just so happens that a lot more architects cycle than a lot of other professions."
Pse bicikletat i terheqin kaq shume arkitektet?
“Une mendoj se fotografi David [Haines] ketu ka thene: "Makinat jane cigaret e reja."
100 vjet me pare, arkitektet ishin te mahnitur nga makinat dhe se si ato do transformonin qytetet. Madje konceptet qe propozonin per ndertesat i perkushtoheshin jo vetem makinave, por edhe ngjanin me to. Ndersa tani arkitektet po ndjekin bicikletat. Shumica e tyre interesohen per bicikletat ne menyre te vazhdueshme, pasi mendojne se si mund te jete dhe duhet te jete bota me to; ndaj edhe arkitektet me shume se profesionistet e tjere, perdorin bicikleta."
How does that interest manifest itself in architecture?
"Bicycles are utterly frugal, energy efficient; almost irreducible in the way they go together, they're perfectly designed. There's not all that much room to move without making them worse. So they are a really strong emblem for architects. They're the sorts of things architects want to achieve with their buildings; frugality, perfection, elegance, personality, aspiration, fun."
Si manifestohet ky interest ne arkitekture?
"Bicikletat jane relativisht te lira, ekonomike (ne energji); gati te pakrahasueshme per sa i perket funksionimit te tyre, me nje fjale jane "perfectly designed." (Me mire prishet.) Pra jane nje shembull vertet i fuqishem per arkitektet. Ato kane te gjitha cilesite qe arkitektet duan te arrijne ne ndertesat e tyre: kursim (buxhet), persosmeri, elegance, personalitet, aspirate dhe kenaqesi."
100 vjet me pare, arkitektet ishin te mahnitur nga makinat dhe se si ato do transformonin qytetet. Madje konceptet qe propozonin per ndertesat i perkushtoheshin jo vetem makinave, por edhe ngjanin me to. Ndersa tani arkitektet po ndjekin bicikletat. Shumica e tyre interesohen per bicikletat ne menyre te vazhdueshme, pasi mendojne se si mund te jete dhe duhet te jete bota me to; ndaj edhe arkitektet me shume se profesionistet e tjere, perdorin bicikleta."
How does that interest manifest itself in architecture?
"Bicycles are utterly frugal, energy efficient; almost irreducible in the way they go together, they're perfectly designed. There's not all that much room to move without making them worse. So they are a really strong emblem for architects. They're the sorts of things architects want to achieve with their buildings; frugality, perfection, elegance, personality, aspiration, fun."
Si manifestohet ky interest ne arkitekture?
"Bicikletat jane relativisht te lira, ekonomike (ne energji); gati te pakrahasueshme per sa i perket funksionimit te tyre, me nje fjale jane "perfectly designed." (Me mire prishet.) Pra jane nje shembull vertet i fuqishem per arkitektet. Ato kane te gjitha cilesite qe arkitektet duan te arrijne ne ndertesat e tyre: kursim (buxhet), persosmeri, elegance, personalitet, aspirate dhe kenaqesi."
Your book’s working title, and your term for this new field is ‘Cycle Space.’ What exactly is that?
“There are different ways to see cities. If you’re a cyclist, you might not know the names of some of the roads; you might not know certain landmarks. If you’re a driver though, you don’t know the landmarks by which the cyclist navigates and maps out the city in their head… And now we’ve got this fantastic explosion in bike share in a pretty short period of time and a huge bike culture has grown up around that.
We talk about hegemonies in architecture. The car domination is the typical hegemony. But thankfully, we live in this post-modernist age when smaller voices all have a part as well. And even if cyclists only ever make up 10% of the transport share, our voices deserve to be heard and we’ve got a way of seeing the world that is valid.”
Titulli i librit qe po shkruani, si dhe emri qe i keni vene kesaj fushe te re eshte "Cycle Space." Cfare eshte kjo me saktesisht?
“Ka menyra te ndryshme per te pare qytetet. Ne qofte se jeni me biciklete ju mund te mos dini emrat e disa prej rrugeve ose monumenteve te caktuara. Por nese jeni me makine, jo vetem qe nuk i vini re keto por as qe nuk i dini kryqezimet dhe menyren e orientimit te bicikletave... Ne kete kohe po ndodh nje shperthim fantastik ne shkembimin e ideve mbi bicikletat ne nje periudhe mjaft te shkurter kohe, si dhe nje kulture te madhe rreth saj.
Ne flasim per dominime ne arkitekture. Dominimi i makinave eshte tipik. Fatmiresisht jetojme ne nje kohe post-moderne, ku edhe zerat me te vegjel kane vendin e tyre. Ndonese "cicklistet" perbejne vetem 10% te transportit, zerat e tyre meritojne te degjohen sepse menyra se si e shohin boten perreth eshte e vlefshme."
If cycle space is a different way of seeing, then what does it look like in physical form? In the way buildings are designed?
“We’ll have lots of ramps [laughs]. But seriously, there’s a building in Denmark at the moment that is 10 stories high and the access balcony spirals so you can cycle all the way home. That’s one sort of over-the-top measure, to say, what can we really do with bikes?
There are also things about the aesthetics of bicycles that can inform architecture, and I think it differs from place to place. In Holland, people are very practical and matter of fact; they like to cycle because they can do it for a dollar a year. Here in Portland, it’s really a different culture; I think there’s a real tongue-in-cheek attitude in this city, where people like to be different from the rest of America for its own sake. It can be annoying to a country so hooked on gas.”
Nese "Cycle Space" eshte nje menyre tjeter per te pare, atehere si mund te materializohet ne forme me konkrete? Sikurse realizohet ndertimi i pallateve?
“Do kemi shume te perpjeta [qesh]. Ne Danimarke po ndertohet nje pallat prej10 katesh ne menyre te tille qe korridoret spirale bejne te mundur te hysh ne shtepi me biciklete. Sigurisht, qe ky eshte nje rast ekstrem per te treguar se c'mund te besh me biciklete.
Ka dhe shume te tjera rreth estetikes se bicikletave qe mund te behen burim informacioni per arkitekturen. Une mendoj se kjo ndryshon nga njeri vend ne tjetrin. Ne Hollande njerezit jane shume praktike dhe realiste. Ata duan te perdorin bicikleta sepse shpenzojne vetem nje dollar ne vit. Kurse ne Portland ekziston nje kulture tjeter. Une mendoj se perdorimi i bicikletave ne kete qytet behet vetem per te qene ndryshe nga pjesa tjeter e Amerikes.
Kjo sjellje mund te provokoje nje vend qe varet kaq shume nga nafta."
Kjo sjellje mund te provokoje nje vend qe varet kaq shume nga nafta."
If you want to know more about bicycle culture and activities in Portland, OR. go here.
Nqs doni te dini me shume per kulturen dhe aktivitetet me bicikleta ne Portland, Oregon shkoni ketu.
1 comment:
Use a bike or participate in a bike-sharing program. Building bikes locally creates jobs. (World Bicycle Relief) Recycling bicycles from other countries is environmentally friendly. (Bikes for the World) So, if you have a bike you’ve outgrown, why not donate? Do you have any other ideas to use bicycles for the greater good? SHARE THEM WITH US!
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