I want to thank you for an amazing 2013. All of you that regularly follow, invisible lurk or have occasionally stumbled onto this blog. Your curiosity and feedback has mentally and physically encouraged me to push forward and write. Thank you for the immense support. I feel really blessed.
I think the best way to serve you, the reader, is by (continuously) attempting to speculate and challenge the role of media, culture, and politics in understanding, interpreting and producing social structures and spatial forms, to approach and engage a more liberating process for critical thought. With this in mind, I look forward to the new year.
PERfACT's top posts of 2013:
Social Participation in Public Spaces | Occupying Commons
Architecture of Density | Squeezing Bigness in the City
Skena e Pavarur Kulturore | Independent Cultural Scene [Albania]
Tirana: From Developing to Deteriorating | Metropolis or Monopolis?
Architectural Exhibitionism | What are Biennales and Festivals For?
Billboards | A Pop-up Urban Typology
Public Space | Its Role, Paradoxes, Proposals & a Warning
Public Space | The Global Street
Burrneshat | The Sworn Virgins of Albania
Featured Exhibit | 100km Art - Tirana/Shkodra Public Art Parcours
HIGHRISE | An Open-Source Multi-Media Re-Mix Project
Featured Festival | CULTURESCAPES Balkans 2013
Petrol Stations by 51N4E | A Monumental Approach to Public Space in Tirana
Gentle Manifest | Syria's Chemical Arsenal To Take a Dump in Albania