
Jun 10, 2011

Underwater Archaeology in Albania | Arkeologjia Nen Ujore ne Shqiperi

Albanian terrain (land +seascape) has so much to offer, not only with its beautiful scenery, but with its historical and cultural heritage and tourism. Since our borders opened up, more initiatives have been taken to explore these hidden gems. Not surprisingly, the hunt to uncover their secrets continues.
Back in march, The Archaeology Magazine featured a great article about the underwater archaeology expeditions in Albania. It marks the first time that an Albanian project is in the cover of this prestige Magazine, published by The Archaeological Institute of America. The article talks about the discovery of shipwrecks from the roman period off the waters of Saranda, in the Adriatic Sea.
Terreni shqiptar (ai tokesor dhe detar) ka shume per te ofruar, jo vetem me peisazhet terheqes, por edhe me trashegimine historike, kulturore, si dhe turizmin. Qe kur u hapen kufijte, me shume nisma jane marre per t'i kerkuar keto perla. Nuk eshte cudi, qe gjuetia per te zbuluar sekretet e tyre vazhdon.
Ne mars, Revista Archaelogy botoi nje artikull interesant ne lidhje me ekspeditat arkeologjike nen ujore ne Shqiperi. Kjo shenon heren e pare qe nje projekt shqiptar vihet ne kopertinen e kesaj reviste prestigjoze, e botuar nga Instituti i Arkeologjise ne Amerike. Artikulli flet per zbulimin e nje anije te periudhes romake, e gjetur prane ujerave te Sarandes, ne detin Adriatik.
"Once closed to exploration, the waters off the Albanian coast begin to give up their secrets" The Adriatic's Uncharted Past by Mara Hvistendahl Vol. 64 # 2, March/April 2011
The searches are organized and operated by Auron Expeditions, along with RPM Nautical Foundation and INA. For those of you, who are interested in this matter and want to know more, or get involved, please visit them online.
Kerkimet organizohen dhe kryen nga ekipi shqiptar Auron Expeditions, se bashku me RPM Nautical Foundation dhe INA. Te gjithe ata qe kane deshire te dine me shume, mund te klikojne mbi emrat perkates.
Here are a couple of videos that show what the team is working on and their latest discoveries.
Videot e meposhtme tregojne se me cfare po merret ky grup aktualisht, si dhe zbulimet e tyre te reja.
Lastly, i would like to thank Auron Tare for the insightful material he has brought our way and for continuously keeping us informed. He is one of the founders of Butrint National Park, a World Heritage Site of UNESCO and the First Director of the World Heritage Site of Butrint.
Currently, he is the Executive Director of The Albanian Center of Marine Research which is an ongoing underwater archaeology research in Albania. This project is funded and supported by RPM Nautical Foundation and Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA).

Se fundi, desha te falenderoj z.Auron Tare per te gjitha materialet e mesiperme, dhe qe na mban vazhdimisht te informuar. Ai eshte nje nga themeluesit, si dhe Drejtori i Pare i Parkut Kombetar te Butrintit, deklaruar Pasuri e Trashëgimisë Botërore nga UNESCO. Aktualisht, z.Tare eshte Drejtor Ekzekutiv i Qendres Shqiptare te Kerkimeve Detare, e cila po vazhdon kerkimet arkeologjike nen ujore ne Shqiperi. Ky projekt financohet dhe mbeshtetet nga RPM Nautical Foundation dhe Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA).

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