Kjo shfaqje ofron njëkohësisht një koncert muzikor dhe një perfomancë vizive. I konceptuar si një koncert me kohëzgjatje të plotë, e gjithë skena do të funksionoje si një ekran ekspozimi për një instalacion viziv i përbërë nga elemente filmik që ndërthuren në mënyrë të natyrshme me performancën muzikore. Muzika Live dhe Arti Live do të shkrihen në një djalog magjepsës, gjë që e bën këtë koncert unik.
LET´S MEET BY THE RIVER është pjesa e parë e një serie aktivitetesh bashkëpunimi midis Muzikës dhe Artit Viziv të konceptuara nga Tirana Art Lab – Qendër për Artin Bashkëkohor për vitin 2011/2012. Ky aktivitet u zhvillua në kuadër të Tetorit Gjerman 2011. LET´S MEET BY THE RIVER is an Audio-Visual event made possible through the collaboration of three emerging artists: Nertila Seferaj (piano), Martin Fuchs (percussion) and Tobias Donat (Visuals).
The event suggests a visual arts performance and a musical event at once. Conceived as a full-length concert, the whole stage will be utilized as a display for a multi-layer visual installation, that is intrinsically linked to the musician's performance. Live-Music and Live-Art merges into a fascinating dialogue, which makes this concert one of a kind.
LET´S MEET BY THE RIVER is the first part of a series of music & visual arts collaborations that has been developed by the Tirana Art Lab – Center for Contemporary Art, for 2011/2012. The event took place in the context of the German October 2011.
After attending the first night of this concert I can say I really enjoyed it. The interplay between the moving images and the music made me feel a part of the life displayed on film and at the same time nostalgic of it. I was the person walking on the street but also the spectator watching it from a far. I was both immersed and distant. The music suggested an extension of the physical space shown on the screen [indicated by the movement of characters: people, cars, buildings, trees] by adding layers to the film not as a replacement for the ones that were taken away [i.e. sound], but to introduce other dimensions, situating it in a much deeper context, an emotional one. Visual elements of speed, zoom, focus, and scale were translated into sound through levels of engagements that captured and held the attention of the audience, creating a dialog of involvement and separation which i felt.
Here are some photos from this event.
photos copyright diagstudio
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