
May 30, 2012

Featured Artist | Mehmet Behluli

"O VENDI IM II..." / "OH MY LAND II..." by Mehmet Behluli

Zeta Galeri ka kenaqesine t'ju ftoje ne hapjen e ekspozites personale 
"O VENDI IM II...". Ekspozita do te qendroje e hapur deri me 12 Qershor 2012.

Nje manipulim glacial i Mehmet Behlulit 
Cikli i ri i Mehmet Behlulit, "O vendi im..." paraqet nje vazhdimesi te vrojtimeve te tija ironike dhe shpotitese pamore mbi realitetin.
Per prosedete e frikshme dhe kercenuese qe paraqet ne imazhet e tij, ai gjithnje zgjedh tituj te hareshem ("Fabula ballkanike", "Shtepia ne fund te qytetit", "Jeta eshte e bukur", "O Vendi im..."), qe shikuesin e vendosin ne nje limbo, ne ate cep qe ndane shpresen nga te keqijat dhe katastrofat. 
Kompozicionet e Behlulit ndertohen nga simbolet me elementare te sigurise (shtepia), te bukurise (lulet), te jetes dhe harese (dielli), te dijeve (librat) etj., por qe ai i paraqet te rrezikuara ose te gelltitura nga fuqite e erreta. Ne ciklet e mehershme Behluli i qullte simbolet e vitalitetit dhe te harese me njollat e bitumeni, per te rrefyer fatet e katranosuara nga represioni shteteror dhe luftrat.
Ne kete ekspozite ne Hapesiren manipuluese "Tetris", Behluli me pikturat e reja i thurr nje elegji vendit tone, duke gjetur nje motiv te ri vizual per te keqen ne sorrat dhe glacat e tyre. Kjo perzgjedhje nuk eshte arbitrare, ngase tufat e sorrave shpesh dominojne mbi qiellin e Prishtines, dhe glacat e tyre sulmojne gjithandej. 
Ndonese sipas nje paragjykimi te perhapur, nje glace qe te bie mbi koke ose supe do te thote, fat apo fitim, ne pikturat e Behlulit sorrat dhe glacat me pare perjetohen si "banaliteti i se keqes".
Zberthimin e metafores se glaces mund ta beni sipas deshires, nga ato metafizike, deri ne aluzionet mbi politikat aktuale.
Shkelzen Maliqi
21 Qershor 20120

Zeta Galeri has the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the solo exhibition 
"OH MY LAND II..."The exhibition will remain open until June 12, 2012.

A poopy manipulation of Mehmet Behluli 
The new cycle of Mehmet Behluli, "Oh, my land..." ("O vendi im..."), presents a continuity of his ironic observations and his witty vision on reality.
For his scary and threatening pieces that he presents in his images, he always chooses blissful titles ("Balkanik fables", "The house in the end of the city", "Life is beautiful", "Oh, my land...") that put the viewer on a limbo- in the corner that divides hope from evils and disasters.
Behluli's compositions are built on the basic symbols of security (home), beauty (flowers), life and harmony (sun), knowledge (books), etc. - which he portrays endangered or swallowed by the dark powers. In previous cycles, Behluli would soak the symbols of vitality and bliss with bituminous stains in order to tell the stories of devastating fortunes of governmental repression and wars.
At this exhibition in "Tetris", with new paintings, Behluli sings an elegy to our country by finding a new visual motif of evilness in crows and their poop. This selection is not arbitrary since flocks of crows often dominate the sky of Prishtina while attacking with their poop all over the place. 
Although according to a widespread prejudice, getting bird poop on your shoulder means good luck; in Behluli's paintings crows and their poop are portrayed as "the banality of evilness".
Breaking down of the poop metaphor can be made based on the individual will - from the metaphysical aspects to the allusions of the current politics.
Shkelzen Maliqi
June 21, 2010

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