
Dec 16, 2011

Open Invitation | Sony World Photography Awards 2012

Sony World Photography Awards 2012

Are you an amateur photographer and a keen photography enthusiast, with an eye for capturing that perfect moment? If so, then this is the competition for you!

Dita e fundit: 4th January 2012

Organizata Boterore e Fotografise (WPO) ju fton te merrni pjese ne konkursin e hapur fotografik Sony. Ky cmim ofron 10 kategori temash. Imazhet e zgjedhura nga nje juri nderkombetare do te ekspozohen ne Somerset House, Londer ne prill 2012; si dhe ne websitin e WPO.

Deadline: 4th January 2012

The Open Competition offers 10 diverse categories for you to enter, ranging from Action to Travel. As a WPO Member, you can enter up to 3 photographs for free, submitted into one category or spread across multiple categories.
Increase your chances by upgrading to Advanced Membership (enter up to 8 images) or Premium Membership (enter up to 20 images). Find out more about upgrading your membership here.
Photographers of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels are invited to enter this competition where great imagery is everything, and imagination is the key ingredient.

Scadenza: 4 Gennaio 2012
World Photography Organisation (WPO) invita a partecipar al Sony World Photography Awards un premio importante e riconosciuto dedicato alla fotografia, il premio offre 10 categorie di argomenti, tra cui una dedicata all’architettura. Le immagini selezionate da una giuria internazionale saranno esposte alla Somerset House di Londra nell’aprile 2012 e verranno pubblicate sul sito web della WPO, una vetrina internazionale verranno inoltre pubblicate nel catalogo annuale dei Sony World Photography Awards.


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