
Sep 30, 2011

Edible Exhibition | Urban Farming

Nje Exspozite qe hahet. Nje Ferme Urbane. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Projekti Truck Farm eshte nje koncept i ri qe sjell agrikulturen ne nje terren qe s'para e perballon dot ate, ne qytetin urban. Nisur ne 2009 nga kineasti Ian Cheney ne New York, misioni kryesor i fermes-mbi-rrota, pervec perdorimit personal, eshte te mesoje njerezit qe (vet)rritja e ushqimit mund te jete argetuese, e thjeshte dhe te behet kudo. Tani projekti eshte zgjeruar ne 25 makina (‘trucks’) ne te gjithe Ameriken. Kjo ferme ne levizje po kultivon ushqim te shendetshem, njerez dhe komunitete. Me poshte eshte nje film i shkurter qe tregon procesin nga konceptimi ne ekzekutim, nga mbjellja deri ne ngrenien e zarzavateve. Hidhini nje sy!
Truck Farm project is a new concept that brings agriculture to a setting that doesn’t usually support it, the urban city. Started in 2009 by filmmaker Ian Cheney in New York, the core mission of the farm-on-wheels other than for personal use, is teaching people that (self)growing food can be fun, easy and done everywhere. Now it has expanded to 25 trucks across United States. This mobile farm is growing healthy food, people and communities. Below is a short film that shows this process from conception to execution, from planting to eating the vegetables. Check it out!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ja, nje demostrim se si me shume vullnet DESHIRAT behen realitet.
Kur te mbushet mendja se ideja qe te vlon ne koke funksionon s'ka asgje dhe asnjeri qe te te ndaloje.

Ecco una dimostrazione di come con tanta determinazione i DESIDERI diventano realtà.
Quando sei convinto che l'idea che ti frulla in testa funziona non c'è niente e nessuno che ti può fermare....