
Sep 28, 2011

Potholes Series | Interpretim Artistik i Gropave

Seria fotografike “Potholes” nga artistet Kanadeze Claudia Ficca dhe Davide Luciano i jep nje interpretim artistik dhe teper kreativ merzitjes, irritimit, dhe stresit rrugor nga gropat e shumta. Ne kete projekt, prezenca e tyre irrituese imagjinohet te kete funksione optimiste dhe teper argetuese. Deri tani cifti ka udhetuar ne Toronto, Montreal, New York dhe Los Angeles, per te gjetur gropen me perfekte (dmth me problematike). Ata kane me shume se 60 koncepte qe duan te paraqesin prandaj dhe kerkimet vazhdojne jo vetem neper rruget e qyteteve Kanadeze apo Amerikane, por edhe ne ato Europiane. Keto foto dhe shume te tjera mund ti shihni ose blini ne websitin e tyre.
The “Potholes” photo series by Canadian artists Claudia Ficca and Davide Luciano is an artistic expression of their frustration with potholes. They are re-imagined to be humorous and with a better function.
So far, the duo has travelled to Toronto, Montreal, New York and Los Angeles to find the perfect pothole. They have more than 60 ideas to show that is why the quest continues not only around the streets of Canadian and American cities, but hopefully in Europe too.
Prints of the photos are available for purchase on their website.
*via Don’t Panic
*all photos are by and property of Claudia Ficca & Davide Luciano.

photo by Claudia Ficca & Davide Luciano

photo by Claudia Ficca & Davide Luciano
photo by Claudia Ficca & Davide Luciano

photo by Claudia Ficca & Davide Luciano
photo by Claudia Ficca & Davide Luciano

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