One Day on Earth Global Screening Event - Albania.
Jeni te gjithe te ftuar kete te diele, ne 22 prill 2012 ne oren 20:00 ne ambientet e Tirana Ekspres, per nje shfaqje te filmit dokumentar ‘Nje Dite ne Toke’, tek tarraca jashte.
Eshte nje oportunitet i madh per te qene pjese e nje pervoje filmike me te vertete globale. Le te tregojme mbeshtetjen tone dhe te perfaqesojme Shqiperine ne kete shkembim kulturor boteror. Le te ndihmojme duke marre pjese. Te gjithe jane te mirepritur. Filmi eshte me titra shqip.
Ky event eshte mundesuar ketu ne Tirane nga PERfACT (Facebook) ne bashkepunim me Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) (Facebook) si pjese e eventit global te shfaqjes se ‘Nje Dite ne Toke’. Falenderojme organizaten Nje Dite ne Toke per kete iniciative te shkelqyer.
Ky event eshte mundesuar ketu ne Tirane nga PERfACT (Facebook) ne bashkepunim me Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) (Facebook) si pjese e eventit global te shfaqjes se ‘Nje Dite ne Toke’. Falenderojme organizaten Nje Dite ne Toke per kete iniciative te shkelqyer.
RSVP ne Facebook tek:
Projekti: Nje Dite ne Toke eshte nje projekt filmi qe, nje here ne vit, kap pervojen njerezore ne cdo vend ne botes ne te njejten dite. Dokumentari I pare me metrazh te gjate shfaqet ne Diten e Tokes, 22 prill 2012 ne mbi 160 vende. Dokumentari tregon punen e mbi 19.000 kineasteve vullnetare – fillestare dhe profesionale – dhe vendos nje rekord boteror si filmi i pare qe permban pamje nga cdo vend, ne te njejten dite.
Projekti: Nje Dite ne Toke eshte nje projekt filmi qe, nje here ne vit, kap pervojen njerezore ne cdo vend ne botes ne te njejten dite. Dokumentari I pare me metrazh te gjate shfaqet ne Diten e Tokes, 22 prill 2012 ne mbi 160 vende. Dokumentari tregon punen e mbi 19.000 kineasteve vullnetare – fillestare dhe profesionale – dhe vendos nje rekord boteror si filmi i pare qe permban pamje nga cdo vend, ne te njejten dite.
Arkivat ne websitin e Nje Dite ne Toke perfshijne mbi 6000 ore xhirime qe shfaqin ceshtje te rendesishme globale – nga varferia ekstreme ne ndryshimin e klimes dhe barazia gjinore – e gjithe kjo per nje sensibilizim global ku njerezit te bashkohen e te veprojne. Mbi 60 partnere nderkombetare jofitimprures kane bashkepunuar per te krijuar kete levizje online, perfshire United Nations, Ford Foundation dhe World Wildlife Fund.
Realizimi i Filmit: Projekti mobilizoi dhe aktivizoi nje rrjet pjesemarresish nga cdo vend i botes permes nje thirrje te hapur globale per te filmuar ne bashkepunim me UNDP. Nje Dite ne Toke dhuroi 1000 kamera me high definition qe te mundesonte pjesemarresit me mjetet me te mira te mundshme per te filmuar boten rreth tyre, deri dhe zonat me te thella. Me shume se 3000 ore xhirim ne 70 gjuhe jane redaktuar per te krijuar kete film.
One Day on Earth - Global Screening Trailer from One Day on Earth on Vimeo.
This Earth Day, we invite you to a free global screening event of the first One Day on Earth Motion Picture. Watch this unique film created from over 3000 hours of footage, and shot by our community in every country of the world on October 10th 2010. Together, we have created a picture of interconnected humanity never before possible.
Please, join us Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 20:00 in the premises of Tirana Ekspres for an outdoor free screening. It is a great opportunity to be part of a truly global film experience. Let’s show our support and represent Albania in this worldwide cultural exchange. Let’s help by attending. Everyone is welcome. The film has Albanian subtitles.
This event is made possible here in Tirana by PERfACT in collaboration with Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) as part of One Day on Earth Global Screening Event.
Realizimi i Filmit: Projekti mobilizoi dhe aktivizoi nje rrjet pjesemarresish nga cdo vend i botes permes nje thirrje te hapur globale per te filmuar ne bashkepunim me UNDP. Nje Dite ne Toke dhuroi 1000 kamera me high definition qe te mundesonte pjesemarresit me mjetet me te mira te mundshme per te filmuar boten rreth tyre, deri dhe zonat me te thella. Me shume se 3000 ore xhirim ne 70 gjuhe jane redaktuar per te krijuar kete film.
One Day on Earth - Global Screening Trailer from One Day on Earth on Vimeo.
This Earth Day, we invite you to a free global screening event of the first One Day on Earth Motion Picture. Watch this unique film created from over 3000 hours of footage, and shot by our community in every country of the world on October 10th 2010. Together, we have created a picture of interconnected humanity never before possible.
Please, join us Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 20:00 in the premises of Tirana Ekspres for an outdoor free screening. It is a great opportunity to be part of a truly global film experience. Let’s show our support and represent Albania in this worldwide cultural exchange. Let’s help by attending. Everyone is welcome. The film has Albanian subtitles.
This event is made possible here in Tirana by PERfACT in collaboration with Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) as part of One Day on Earth Global Screening Event.
Many thanks go to the One Day on Earth organization for this brilliant initiative.
RSVP on Facebook at:
The Project: One Day on Earth is a grassroots film project that, once a year, captures the human experience in every country on earth on the same day. The first feature-length documentary film premiers on Earth Day, April 22, 2012 and will be screened in over 160 countries around the world. The documentary showcases the work of over 19,000 volunteer filmmakers – novice and professional –and sets a world record: the first movie to feature footage from every country in the world on the same day.
One Day on Earth’s shared and searchable archive includes over 6,000 hours of footage featuring important global issues – from extreme poverty to climate change to gender equality – and then brings people together to take action. Over 60 international nonprofit partners collaborated to create the online movement, including the United Nations, Ford Foundation and World Wildlife Fund.
Making of the Film: The project mobilized and activated a network of participants in every country on earth through a worldwide open call for filmmakers in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme. One Day on Earth donated 1,000 high definition cameras to ensure participants had the best tools possible to capture the world around them, even in the planet’s most remote places. More than 3,000 hours of video in 70 languages were edited down to create the feature film.
The Project: One Day on Earth is a grassroots film project that, once a year, captures the human experience in every country on earth on the same day. The first feature-length documentary film premiers on Earth Day, April 22, 2012 and will be screened in over 160 countries around the world. The documentary showcases the work of over 19,000 volunteer filmmakers – novice and professional –and sets a world record: the first movie to feature footage from every country in the world on the same day.
One Day on Earth’s shared and searchable archive includes over 6,000 hours of footage featuring important global issues – from extreme poverty to climate change to gender equality – and then brings people together to take action. Over 60 international nonprofit partners collaborated to create the online movement, including the United Nations, Ford Foundation and World Wildlife Fund.
Making of the Film: The project mobilized and activated a network of participants in every country on earth through a worldwide open call for filmmakers in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme. One Day on Earth donated 1,000 high definition cameras to ensure participants had the best tools possible to capture the world around them, even in the planet’s most remote places. More than 3,000 hours of video in 70 languages were edited down to create the feature film.
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